Danielle Hill - Health Care Assistant at Hospice Isle of Man

“I love that we have the time to sit with patients and listen to their thoughts and wishes.”


“I started at Hospice Isle of Man in January 2020 with no heath care experience what so ever.

I came in fresh as fresh can be, into a world I knew nothing about really. The support and experience from existing staff members was amazing and has made me who I am today within my role at Hospice.

I can honestly say that I don't wake up in the morning with a feeling of dread at having to go to work, as I really do love working here at Hospice.

I love that we have the time to sit with patients and listen to their thoughts and wishes, and to be able to sit with people who don't have family. Especially when they are feeling scared and uncertain about what will happen in the future, I can be there to help.

Hospice is a place where we give people our total respect and are 100% dedicated to them and their care. This also includes their friends, family members and their carers. I honestly can’t see myself working anywhere else other than Hospice, and I am looking forward to starting my new role as a Senior Health Care Assistant.”




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